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The Incredible Journey of Samir Singh: The Spiritual Ultra Runner

In the ultra-running records, few names shine as brightly as Samir Singh, an ideal of endurance, determination, and patriotism. Known as “Samir the Ultra Runner,” Samir Singh’s journey from a passionate runner to a national icon is a testament to human will and the spirit of India. This blog delves into the inspiring journey of Samir Singh, highlighting his monumental achievement in the “Bharat Ke Veer” Ultra Marathon, dedicated to the brave hearts of the Indian armed forces.

Early Beginnings: Passion Ignited

Samir Singh’s love for running began in 2009, driven by a deep-seated passion that saw him traverse various terrains, often with Juhu Beach, Mumbai, as his training ground. This initial spark ignited a journey that would eventually see him conquer one of the most challenging ultra-marathons in history.

The Bharat Ke Veer Ultra Marathon: A Tribute to the Armed Forces

The “Bharat Ke Veer” Ultra Marathon was not just a race; it was a homage to the jawans of the Indian armed forces and paramilitary personnel. Samir Singh undertook this grueling task with the aim of honoring their sacrifices and bringing their stories to the forefront.

The marathon spanned an astounding 14,195 kilometers, covering 24 states, 4 union territories, and 7 international borders. Starting on December 1, 2017, at the Wagah border, and concluding on July 6, 2018, this journey took 7 months and 6 days of relentless effort.


Overcoming Challenges:

Throughout this epic marathon, Singh faced numerous challenges, both physical and emotional. From dealing with severe knee swelling to running in extreme weather conditions, his resolve was constantly tested. Yet, the support from friends, fellow runners, and the armed forces kept him going.

Memorable Moments

Support from the BSF: The Border Security Force (BSF) played a crucial role, providing security, motivation, and logistical support throughout the marathon.

Meeting with Superstars: Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar not only sponsored the event but also provided vital support and motivation. His presence and encouragement were pivotal in Samir’s journey.

Encounters with Patriots: From meeting BSF DIG Umesh Nayal in Shillong to receiving support from the 166th Battalion in Panisagar, the journey was filled with moments of patriotic fervor and mutual respect.

The Spiritual and Emotional Highs

One of the most touching aspects of Samir’s journey was the outpouring of support from people across the nation. In cities like Jaipur and Surat, locals and dignitaries alike came forward to cheer him on, presenting gifts and expressing their admiration.

Significant Encounters

Meeting with Akshay Kumar: Singh’s interaction with Akshay Kumar in Delhi, post-marathon, was a significant highlight. Kumar’s continuous support and motivation were instrumental in Samir’s success.

He was invited to the Indian Sports Honours Award function by Virat Kohli and Akshay Kumar invited him to stage

Inspiration from the Youth: Running alongside the youth of Mizoram and Manipur, and experiencing the unity and patriotism among the local kids, added emotional strength to Samir’s physical endurance.

The Final Leg: Triumph and Gratitude

The final stretch of the marathon was perhaps the most challenging yet rewarding. Running through the mountainous terrains of Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh, facing low oxygen levels and freezing temperatures, Samir’s determination saw him through.

Key Milestones

Tanglangla Pass: At 17,582 feet above sea level, this was one of the highest and most challenging parts of the marathon.

Support in Kashmir: Despite security concerns, the unwavering support from the BSF and local police in Jammu & Kashmir ensured the marathon’s successful completion.

A Journey Etched in History

Upon completing the marathon, Samir Singh expressed profound gratitude to all who supported him. From his friend Mehul Patel, who guided him throughout, to the fitness expert Jasmine Pantel, who helped him maintain his physical strength, the journey was a collective effort.

Fitness and Wellness Support: Jasmine Pantel’s diet plans and wellness tips were crucial in helping Samir maintain his stamina and health.

National Support: The appreciation from dignitaries like Shri K.K. Sharma, the Director General of BSF, and the coverage by national media highlighted the importance of Singh’s achievement.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Inspiration

Samir Singh’s “Bharat Ke Veer” Ultra Marathon is more than just a record-setting run; it’s a narrative of dedication, national pride, and the power of human spirit. His journey has inspired countless individuals to pursue their passions with unyielding resolve and to honor the heroes who protect the nation.

In Samir’s own words, the journey would not have been possible without the “generosity and presence” of the many supporters who believed in him. His story continues to inspire, reminding us that with passion, dedication, and the right support, even the most formidable challenges can be overcome.

Be Part of History: Support Samir Singh’s challenge to run 100 kilometers daily for 100 consecutive days, totaling 10,000 kilometers from 15th August 2024 

Samir Singh “The Ultra Runner,” is embarking on an extraordinary challenge to run 100 kilometers daily for 100 consecutive days, totaling 10,000 kilometers. This remarkable feat, taking place around the sacred Govardhan Parvat in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, aims to promote the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Geeta. By performing the “Parikrama” daily, Samir seeks to embody and spread the values of resilience, devotion, and purpose. Support from individuals and organizations is vital to help him achieve this mission and share these profound teachings with the world. Join Samir Singh in this inspiring journey and be part of a movement that celebrates endurance and faith. For more details and to support.

Contact him for support at or visit the link below for complete information
Click at 100X100 Run – Proposal 2024

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